(modifié de Coste, Flore de la France 1937) :
Plante vivace de 20-50 cm, glauque, à souche longuement rampante - tiges nombreuses, étalées-redressées, flexueuses, rameuses-dichotomes, fragiles, feuillées
Écologie : (répartition d'après la flore) Éboulis calcaires et vieux murs, dans presque toute la France ; Corse.
Répartition hors de France : Europe centrale et méridionale ; Asie occidentale ; Afrique septentrionale.
(modified from Butcher, British Flora 1961):
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date
A small, glabrous perennial with a few, Iittle-branched flowering stems 23-30 cm high,
Ecology UK: (distribution according to flora) growing from a slender stock. It is sometimes cultivated and has become naturalized here and there on a few old walls and pastures.
Distribution outside France: ?
Fleurs : polygames, en verticilles pauciflores, écartés, nus - pédicelles articulés au-dessus du milieu
Floraison France : Mai-août..
Flowers: hermaphrodite, in lax, leafless clusters on a strict panicle, greenish yellow; inner segments of fruiting perianth 5 x 4 mm, cordate; outer linear, acute, nearly as long as inner and appressed to them.
Flowering UK:Early July-late Aug.